4 Quotes & Sayings By Ronald Chapman

Ronald Chapman is the founder of the Conscious Transformation Institute (CTI) in San Diego, California. He has been a student of human consciousness since 1968. He has assisted over 50,000 people in his work with the Law of Attraction (LOA), and has personally coached thousands more via personal coaching sessions. He is an expert in the Law of Attraction and life coaching Read more

His personal coaching is based on principles he has learned along his journey of self-discovery and mental exploration. Ronald's works have been translated into numerous languages and have been published in six countries.

The children of Spirit are laughing, cursing, chatting, walking and...
The children of Spirit are laughing, cursing, chatting, walking and running. They ooze holiness in all that they are and do. Ronald Chapman
And our tears are an expression of that which we cannot express. Tears are perfect prayer. Ronald Chapman
It is insufficient to understand all, and thus to forgive all. If we were to truly understand, we would know there is nothing to forgive. Ronald Chapman